
Все люди нелюди.
Ох лол,это нечто с':

01.02.2013 в 19:52

I'm always trying to be somebody else.
Не люблю этот мем. И им он совсем не подходит.
П.С: тоже в ДМК играешь?
03.02.2013 в 10:37

Все люди нелюди.
Literal, в художке с Кудриной за это разнос был,для себя выставила.
Я задрот,конечно я играю,да и не только в нее.
19.10.2013 в 12:27

People nolmarly pay me for this and you are giving it away!
04.03.2014 в 21:11

Modern insurance practices can be traced back to 17th-century London, where the famous Lloyd's of London had its start. InпїЅterestingly, Edward Lloyd's business establishment wasn't an insurance QuotesChimp at all.* It was a dockside coffeehouse where business investors and merchants met to negotiate insurance proпїЅtection for shipping. Investors, called underwriters, would agree to insure the ship and cargo of a proposed trip. The more danпїЅgerous the voyage was thought to be, the higher the price of the insurance. Because travel by ship was, almost by definition, dangerous, few underwriters would agree to be responsible for the entire risk of loss. Instead, several underwriters would typпїЅically insure individual voyages, sharing in the benefit and loss proportionate to the percentage of the entire underwriting cost that each individually assumed. Thus, the risk of loss was spread and then spread again.

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